Reede Gray Weekly Newsletter https://5il.co/1qrrh

RVMS Weekly Newsletter https://5il.co/x58y

Ms. Johnson’s Kindergarten class celebrated being 100 Days Brighter on Friday!☀️🌟🎉
They jumped, bowled, hunted for Hershey Kisses, danced, and glowed through their 100th day!
Go Cardinals🤍❤️🖤

Congratulations to our 2/7/25 Reede Gray Elementary Cardinal Shout Outs this week. This month our focus of character skills learning is on Honesty. Honesty is being truthful in what you say and do. First thing that we talk about is telling the truth. That can mean following through with things that you say you will do (like keeping a promise) or it could also mean simply being your true self. We are so proud of how hard our students are working at learning Honesty! #ReedeGrayElementary #CharacterStrong #AlwaysTheCardinalWay #Honesty #Wicawake

Mrs. Mohr's Kindergarten class celebrated "100 Days of Cardinal Pride". They made a crown with 100 cardinals, 100 fruit loop necklaces, went on a scavenger hunt for 100 Cardinals and 100 Hershey kisses. It was a great day to be a Cardinal!

Mrs. Salmon’s kindergarteners are 100 days brighter today! ☀️

Events for today
Section Girls Wrestling for sections 3 and 4 in Redwood- 5pm start
Tickets are $8 and $5 and no passes are accepted
Boys Basketball at JCC
C- 4:45, B, 6:00, Varsity at 7:30pm
Streaming on Hudl

The new members of the WingNuts robotics team built a wooden version of the Reef for the 2025 FRC Game: Reefscape. Game animation can be found here: https://youtu.be/YWbxcjlY9JY
Big thank you to Southern MN Beet Sugar Cooperative for donating the pipe and labor for bending and welding, Daktronics for donating the wood, and Brighter Homes Store for donating the paint for this project.
The Reef will be used for practice before the Regional Competition and will be used on the field at the West Central Week Zero event in Willmar on Feb. 22.

RVHS students in Mr. Maddock's Welding class were practicing MIG welding by creating T-Welds. I was very impressed with the professionalism , drive, and safety this class demonstrated. Great job Mr. Maddock and RVHS students!

Over the next few weeks, RVHS students will be learning about the registration process for the 2025-2026 school year. The RVHS Registration Guide is the best source of information about registration, including where you can access Course Descriptions, Cardinal U courses and Cardinal Pathway information.
Registration Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w2xTZoJ03-4FOudSem-7BHOLl0OI_vC_fjt_rD0zSzw/edit?tab=t.0
Timeline for registration:
February 6th: Intro Registration Presentations in Homeroom
February 10th-24th: Registration Presentations to Students
February 18th & March 3rd- High School Conferences
March 3rd-13th: Class Registration Open
August: Class Schedules Released
Class of 2029 (8th graders) registration meetings will be held later in March. Stay tuned for more information.
Please see Mrs. Carlson or Ms. Tia with any questions.
Ally Carlson, RVHS 10-12 School Counselor

Events Today
Hockey at Worthington 7pm
Stream on Live Barn
Girls Basketball at Home vs. Fairmont
Varsity- 7:15
Ticket link-https://gofan.co/event/1863866?schoolId=MN19650
Live stream- https://fan.hudl.com/usa/mn/redwood-falls/organization/7884/redwood-valley-high-school

Day Wrestling match at Wabasso today at 12:45pm.
public welcome
streaming -Stream.isd640.org

6th grade got to play dodgeball if they finished their extra IXL math problems in the month of January.

Our Reede Gray Dakota Word of the Week for this week is...

The Board of Education had the chance to tour Redwood Valley Elementary School last week.

Cardinal Events for Today
Final regular Season Gymnastics at JCC 6pm.
Girls BB at Paynesville C- 4:30, B- 5:30, Varsity 7pm
Hockey at Home vs. Windom 7pm.
Streaming on Live Barn

RVMS Weekly Newsletter https://5il.co/x58y

Reede Gray Weekly Newsletter https://5il.co/1qrrh